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Headteacher's Welcome

A warm welcome to Co-op Academy Brierley


I have had the great pleasure and privilege of working with children and young people in Leeds for almost 30 years. I have worked in a variety of settings and communities, leading schools and developing specialist behaviour settings and provision for children with SEND.


In establishing and developing a brand-new specialist provision for Leeds, the team at Brierley are in the unique position to design and develop a school for our children and young people bespoke to their needs. We have a wonderful new purpose-built building which will support our ambitious vision for all our children, staff and families.


Based on the Co-op value ‘Do what matters most’, much of our curriculum content is selected specifically to prepare pupils for the next stage of education; develop their life skills and their independence. We aim to inspire in pupils a love of learning and of school and our curriculum is designed to give pupils a sense of belonging in the academy and the wider community. 


At the heart of everything we do are the Co-op Values:

Cooperation is at the heart of all we do.  Being Co-op is about creating an environment that celebrates difference; somewhere both pupils and colleagues feel responsible, valued, empowered and trusted to do the right thing for each other and our community.


I am very proud and privileged to be leading and developing our wonderful school in partnership with colleagues, the community and our families, developing an exciting and ambitious future for all who are a part of our Brierley community. 


Sarah Harridge
