Newsletter 20th December 2024

Welcome to the first Co-op Academy Newsletter, we hope you enjoy the new format and all the great things we are sharing.
Co-op Academy Brierley
Newsletter December 2024
20th December 2024
Headteachers message
Dear Parents/Carers,
It was wonderful to welcome our children onto our new school site on the 11th November. It is already making such a difference to have an environment where our children are able to have access to a variety of outdoor spaces, cooking facilities, sensory rooms, a main hall and a sports hall. It’s still early days and we have lots of plans to develop our site and provision to ensure our children have the very best learning environment possible. We’ll keep you updated!
This half term some of our children went on a bowling trip and an SEND wheelchair rugby experience with the Leeds Rhinos foundation (photos below). We also welcomed Phoenix dance to our school in November to perform and inspire!
We have had a number of Visitors into school this half term from the local community. Father Johnathan, the priest at St HIldas, local councillors Cllr Farley and Cllr Manaka, a Regional director from Vital energy, Enovate partners and Cllr Rafique in regard to Co op Brierley’s heating and hot water being supplied by the Leeds Pipes system. We will be reaching out over the coming months to engage with other community members and services.
Last month the Trust recognition awards were held in Stoke. Two of our fabulous teachers, Oliver and Callum were both nominated and shortlisted. Callum won the award ‘Show you care’ presented by our CEO Dr Chris Tomlinson. We are all very proud of him!
We held our first parent coffee morning this half term. A huge thank you to our Family support workers Christie and Amanpreet for organising and to all our families who were able to join us. We look forward to getting to know many more of you at future coffee mornings and events.
Date for the diary:
6th January 2025 - Training day and closed to children
Below you will see our Brierley Curriculum Newsletter. Going forward our Deputy Headteacher in charge of Quality of Education, Hannah, will be putting these together and sending them out weekly. Hannah will be sharing with you all the learning that has taken place, a special curriculum area focus and any special events.
From the whole team here at Brierley I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to all our families for your support, patience and willingness to work with us to make our school the very best it can be for all our children and young people.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to welcoming all our children back in the new year.
Best wishes
Sarah Harridge
Photos from Hollywood bowl, PE trip and Phoenix dance
Reading for Pleasure
Our Student Librarians will be working hard in the Spring term to keep our beautiful new library in order. A huge THANK YOU! to all the friends and families of Co-op Brierley for your donated books.
Reading for pleasure is such an important part of developing our learners vocabulary and Literacy skills and every child will visit the library each week to listen to stories and borrow a book. We use our reading VIPERS to help us understand and comprehend what is happening in the books we read.
Brierley Best Learning
We are so proud of how our learners have settled into our wonderful new school building and already established their routines. This half term we have all been learning about ‘Structures’ and have used our Learning Expectations to achieve our Brierley Best!
Communication for Learning
Our school community all use the same language and visuals to make sure we are all making SAFE choices. We use the Zones of Regulation to understand and share how we are feeling. Sometimes we use words and other times the symbols help us to explain how we feel and what we need to help us regulate our emotions.
All emotions are valid and we use the ‘I need’ symbols to communicate with our trusted adults.
Makaton Sign of the Week: Father Christmas
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